Race condition and data race

project thinking

Posted by Dawei on September 28, 2018


这篇博客的主要思路来自于这篇blog,我也加入一些自己的理解进去。首先介绍下race condition和data race的定义。

race condition is a flaw that occurs when the timing or ordering of events affects a program’s correctness. Generally speaking, some kind of external timing or ordering non-determinism is needed to produce a race condition; typical examples are context switches, OS signals, memory operations on a multiprocessor, and hardware interrupts.
Data race: A data race is a situation, in which at least two threads access a shared variable at the same time. At least on thread tries to modify the variable.

race condition侧重于因为执行指令的顺序和时间不同对结果的正确性影响,data race则是在执行过程中对同一变量并发访问,而且至少有一个改变该变量,并发是指没有类似锁的机制,使得某一线程happen before或者after另一个线程的操作。实际上,的确这两者有很大的重叠,data race导致race condition的情况很多,但是也有两者互相独立的情况。在这里我的理解是data race更侧重单个operation的结果,race condition则是整个程序的结果是否正确。


transfer1 (amount, account_from, account_to) {
  if (account_from.balance < amount) return NOPE;
  account_to.balance += amount;
  account_from.balance -= amount;
  return YEP;

这是典型的data race和race condition都存在的程序,因为变量没有锁住,两个线程可以同时读取变量值,然后对其修改,再写回去,导致最后结果错误。解决data race很简单,把语句的变量原子化操作就可以了。

transfer2 (amount, account_from, account_to) {
  atomic {
    bal = account_from.balance;
  if (bal < amount) return NOPE;
  atomic {
    account_to.balance += amount;
  atomic {
    account_from.balance -= amount;
  return YEP;

这样处理的话,每次访问变量就有明晰的happen before关系,不存在同时访问变量的情况了,但是race condition还是存在,也就是在某一时刻,另一个线程可以发现金钱总数发生变化,比如两个线程执行互相转账,加入都进行到account_to.balance += amount之后,另一个线程就会发现总钱数多了,发生错误。

transfer3 (amount, account_from, account_to) {
  atomic {
    if (account_from.balance < amount) return NOPE;
    account_to.balance += amount;
    account_from.balance -= amount;
    return YEP;

为了解决race condition造成的结果不对,将全部语句原子化操作(我觉得很像解决死锁时候,将所有冲突变量的锁拿到手),每个线程只有执行完这段代码,才会释放变量的锁,这样中间状态就不会不同了。当然也存在不是race condition,但是有data race的情况出现。

transfer4 (amount, account_from, account_to) {
  account_from.activity = true;
  account_to.activity = true;
  atomic {
    if (account_from.balance < amount) return NOPE;
    account_to.balance += amount;
    account_from.balance -= amount;
    return YEP;

我们在代码里设置两个标记,会出现data race,但是对程序运行可能是完全无害而且也不存在race condition。